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Teams - Meeting Etiquette

When joining a meeting select to share your camera and/or mute yourself. IF you are using your phone for audio, mute yourself on your computer and do NOT put the meeting call on hold, if you receive another call ignore it or hang up the meeting call and dial back in when you are off your other call. In the meeting you can hover over the menu bar to perform these functions. Click on the ellipsis for additional options such as blur background, access meeting details, record the meeting, and take meeting notes. It is a best practice to mute yourself if you are not the presenter and are attending a large meeting.




Roll call is not needed since everyone can viewing the participants while in a meeting. The list populates showing all invited participants and their status.


During a meeting click Chat on the left task bar to view the meeting chat. In chat is where you can send messages or ask questions to the facilitator and other attendees. Expand the text box to include bullet points, tables, and other MS Word functions that can all be shared in the Chat.  Mark the message as important if immediate attention is needed.



As a facilitator, if you need feedback from a large group of participants use the ‘attendees list’ to solicit orderly responses or instruct the participants to use the chat window for popcorn style responses. A co-facilitator is valuable in helping tally or reading out the chat comments.


A co-facilitator can assist by taking notes in the chat section and recording the meeting for later review. Click on the ellipsis in a meeting to access meeting notes and/or record the meeting. 


Provide the meeting agenda or other pertinent information in the body of the meeting invite in Outlook or in Teams and it will carry over to Meeting Details in Teams. When you begin the meeting click on the ellipsis and select Show meeting details to view, all attendees with Teams can view this.  Note: Attachments to the original Outlook invite do not carry over to the Meeting Details

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