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Bridge Sponsor - Invitation Email

Bridge Sponsors,

Health Share has an exciting announcement to make regarding changes to how you and your organization will access Health Share Bridge! We wanted to create an easier and more seamless way to grant new organizations and new users’ access to Bridge. We have created a new portal with automated workflows replacing the current cumbersome auto-d process. There is now one portals containing and add user and remove user form. Only sponsors will have access to the portal. If you are no longer the Bridge Sponsor for your organization or if you no longer have Bridge access, please respond to this email.


New user request: Provisioning Portal

-Access the online portal at To begin the deprovisioning process the Bridge Sponsor must access the deprovisioning portal at:

-Complete the form with the new users’ name, email, and level of access

-Sponsors will receive an email confirmation of the request or a request for more information (if incomplete)


Remove user request: Deprovisioning Portal

-Access the online portal at To begin the deprovisioning process the Bridge Sponsor must access the deprovisioning portal at:

-Select user from dropdown (only users in your organization will show)

-User will be immediately removed from access


Quarterly Reporting

-Health Share will post a quarterly Bridge user log to ensure Sponsors have an update list of current users. These reports are posted in each organizations folder in the portal. User access should be updated immediately.


Bridge User Policy:

This is to ensure Health Share is up to date with providing or taking away access when necessary. It is the Bridge Sponsor’s responsibility to process any user access changes immediately.


New user email/communication:

-New Bridge users will be sent an encrypted email containing their Bridge username and temporary password after being granted access. The documentation and a sample of the email is available on the sponsor portal.



-If you would like a training or have questions regarding the new processes please contact We are happy to provide one-on-one or group training/demonstration of the new portal or answer any questions that arise. There is also user documentation available on the main page of the sponsor portal.

Thank you 😊

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