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Forms: Create a Survey in Teams

Microsoft Forms Usage

Microsoft Forms is the new survey application used at Health Share. Forms provides detailed analytics and meets our needs for both security and privacy.

To preserve the data in Forms, the surveys need to be created through Teams. 5 Teams have been identified that create surveys:

  • Health Equity – Mariotta Gary-Smith
  • Strategic Initiatives - Tina Pfenning
  • IT – Erin Ross
  • Operations – Rachel Arnold
  • QI – Kristen Lacijan-Drew

Owners for each Team have been identified. This person is responsible for requesting members to be added/removed from the Team. There is a main Team of all users who create surveys and a channel for each of the 5 departments. To add members to a Team just send a request to or to Erin Ross in IT at All survey Team members will have access to edit surveys, view the results, and send the surveys. Once a survey is completed, IT can export the results to preserve the data.

Below are detailed instructions on how to create a survey using Teams:

To create a form in Microsoft Teams, select the correct channel under Health Share Survey Team.

Hide channels for other departments by clicking on the ellipsis next to the channel and selecting hide:

At the top of the channel, there are default Tabs, Posts, Files, and Wiki. Click the + to add a new Form:

When adding a new tab, a large range of options are presented for the various tab-enabled integrations in Microsoft Teams. Choose Forms from the list:

Next, choose a name for the Form. This will be not only the Tab name, but also the name of the form (survey) itself.

There are two sub-tabs within the Form; Questions and Responses. There are 9 different types of questions available. Multiple question types can be used within the same survey.

Once the questions are created the form can be customized with colors and pictures by clicking on Theme. By clicking on the + additional themes/images can be added from saved files or the web.


The next step is to Share the form so that responses can be gathered. Select the Share icon in the top-right hand corner. There are 2 ways to share, click on the drop-down list to change the default sharing option between “Only people in my organization can respond” and “Anyone with the link can respond”. Selecting ‘Anyone with the link can respond’ will allow anonymous responses.


Selecting ‘Anyone with the link can respond’ click Copy to generate a copy of the link, the link can be shared with anyone to access the survey. Other options allow the ability to create a QR code to share, create HTML to embed the form in a web page, or compose an email with the link to send to respondents. When someone responds to the Form, the response will be via a standard webpage. Although we’ve created the form in Teams, that doesn’t mean that responses will be via Teams itself. The custom form can be accessed via any supported browser – like equivalent tools such as SurveyMonkey.

To view additional settings for responses, select More and Settings to customize responses and notifications

Select More and Multilingual to choose from over 50 additional languages for the survey

After responses start coming in, any team member can then visit the tab, and select the Responses sub-tab to see the results in real-time, as they come in. There is also the option to Open in Excel so the data can be retained. Once a survey is completed IT will export and store the results.






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