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Teams - Enlarge Presenters Screen/Remove or Add Guest Participant from Chat

How to enlarge a presenters screen in a Team meeting 

1. When you are in a Teams meeting click on the meeting screen

2. Push and hold the Ctrl button on your keyboard

3. Roll up or down using the wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out

How to Remove a Guest Participant from a Meeting Chat

Do you ever invite guest participants to your meeting? Did you know that the guest user continues to have access to the meeting chat even after they have left the meeting?

You can prevent this by simply removing the user from the meeting chat in Teams. 

1. Go into the meeting chat

2. In the top right corner of the chat click on the people icon 

3. You will then see a list of all users with access to the chat 

4. Scroll over the user with your mouse, their name will shade grey and you will see an X appear to the R of their name. Click on the X

5. You will then see a pop-up appear, click Remove

6. The guest will no longer have access to the chat but will have historical chat access. 

How to Add a Guest Participant from a Meeting Chat

1. Go into the meeting chat

2. In the top right corner of the chat click on the people icon 

3. You will then see a list of all users with access to the chat, click add user 

4. You will then see a pop-up appear, as you type in the users name it will auto populate. Select the users name and appropriate chat selections and click add

5. The user will then be added to the chat. 

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