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Teams - Breakout Rooms (Facilitator Instructions)

How to create a Teams meeting with a breakout room:

1). You must be a meeting owner to have the breakout room feature available to you.

2). Once you log into your Teams meeting, you will now see a new button, click it to start the breakout room process

3). This screen will show up, select how many rooms you will need, and select participant settings. You can manually assign participants to a room or you can do it automatically

4). In this example, I selected two breakout rooms and automatically assign participants:

You can click on the room and it will expand the list of participants, you can also shuffle particpants into a different room if the assignment doesn't look correct. The rooms cannot be open for this to happen, if you are in the middle of a breakout session, you cannot move participants during a live meeting.

5). Always check room settings by going to the ellipses in the upper right handcorner and selecting Room Settings. Select Automatically move participants to rooms and Partcipants can return to the main meeting

6). Each room has "Open Room", "Close Room" (if in progress), "Rename Room" perhaps instead of Room 1 it can be called Team Green or another name more specific to your meeting. You always have the ability to delete a room as well

7). When you are ready to start breakout rooms, hit Open Rooms, it will take about 5-10 seconds for everyone to get into their perspective room assignment. 

8). As the meeting organizer, you can hop in and out of rooms by selecting Join Room.

9). Participants will see these new buttons "Return" and "Leave" in their breakout room, should they want to return to the main meeting from their breakout room they would hit return. If they needed to leave the meeting early for whatever reason they would hit leave. 

10). If someone comes back to the main meeting earlier than the meeting organizer they will see this in the main meeting:

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